Much has been written about the falsehoods put forth during covid and the years leading up to same. This is especially true of the medical and energy subjects. Even those of us who have been relatively awake throughout the last several years are sometimes blindsided by the incredible scope of it all. Most of what I read is about how they (deep state, NWO, industrial-pharmaceutical-military complex, etc.) have been planning for decades how to take control of us.
Lately I find myself pondering: How much of what we're experiencing is them doing it to us and how much of what we see needs to be owned by us?
If one looks at Biblical and other history, the running theme is that mankind nearly always panics at the first sign of trouble. Faith in the divine goes out that window, and man demands a Golden Calf be made to bring confidence and salvation. And there is always an Aaron out there to accommodate that demand.
In other words, it seems that we humans lost our our way, lost our faith, and asked for worldly saviors. Rockefeller and others saw profit in building the new Golden Calves, and stepped up to supply the demand. Then, all they had to do was continue to invoke more fear to keep people worshiping an increasing number of (very profitable) new idols.
As far as I can see, it’s been a vicious cycle, downward spiral ever since.
p.s. The graphic below is a little something I created in 2021, as a way to manage the stress of crazy times. Feel free to use or share.
Any nation that kills its most vulnerable (children in the womb,man made in the image of God) , is under the curse of God.. eventually their reprobate minds wil be ok with kiling the elderly and weak as well. Western nations have been on a downward spiritual cycle for nearly 100 years.
I see I liked your post previously but made no comment. Did you know that 'vaccination' is an anagram of 'icon Vatican'?